Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Meditation, Mantras and the Gap.....

Hello and welcome to this blog. Perhaps inappropriately titled, because what I'm posting actually makes sense......

So if you've made it here, then you've (Hopefully) read my previous blog on meditation. If not, then please Click here to read it

or if you've already read it, then please continue....

My view of mantras is simple, keep it simple! A single syllable, with no connotation, no meaning, personal or otherwise is best. The reason I say this is as I mentioned in my last blog. You may begin to focus on the meaning of the mantra, as opposed to allowing your mind to just settle. Use your mantra to end thoughts, stop song lyrics, or mitigate any other distractions.

Just a few suggestions....

  • Om
  • Um
  • Rum
  • See
  • Ni

This is by no means an exhaustive list, just a few ideas! Keep in mind also that there is no proper cadence (Pace) for the mantra. For example mine may sound like this: "Om, Om, Om, Ooooooooommmmmmm, Om, om, Ooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm" were it to be spoken aloud. So I suggest to you that you find a mantra that suits you and your meditation needs. Repeat it as you meditate, along with your pulse, or along with your breaths. Thinking "This isn't how to meditate!" is really a matter of opinion, but use what works for you.

The "GAP"

The Gap, is not something I speak of often, not because it sounds crazy, but because I know so few people who have experienced it. The sad part is that you only realize that you've experienced the Gap after you've left it! This sounds like a contradiction, it really isn't.

The Gap as I refer to it is that space, where everything stops, there are no thoughts, there are no emotions, there is nothing but peace. It is a brief moment where the mind completely settles and no thoughts are had and no emotions are felt. It is a space between thoughts and spaces. Others who have experienced this, and I am not the only one, I've talked to several meditators who have had this occurrence, agree.

The truth about the Gap is that anyone can reach it, but you only know that you were in the Gap once you come out of it. The moment that you realize, "I'm in the Gap!" you're no longer there, the moment is past, and thoughts have returned.

In my meditation, I try to extend my time in the Gap, sometimes it works, often it doesn't. The aim of meditation is not to achieve anything, but to allow the mind to settle and relax. Being in the Gap, for me is the pinnacle of the meditation experience. It is the goal. I don't, however, feel disappointed if I don't achieve reaching that space. I still feel very relaxed, focused and refreshed after a sit. The best part of being in the Gap for me is the total sense of peace I feel while I'm there. I strongly suggest that you find the Gap within yourself if you meditate.

AUTHORS NOTE: It took me a few weeks of daily meditation to reach the Gap within myself, please do not feel discouraged, or give up on meditation if you do not experience it quickly. Each mind and soul are different and we all have different needs within meditation. To compare my experiences to yours would not be fair to you the reader. I sincerely hope that if you try meditation, you make it part of your daily life and that it helps to enrich your days, nights and overall well beiing.

Friday, December 22, 2017


Hello, This entry will be about meditation I'll do my best not to stray.

Often I will use the word "Sit" to describe meditating.

Common responses that I get, are; "I've tried it just doesn't work for me!", "I don't have time." and my favorite "My mind races too much."

Meditation is an activity, but a passive one. I'm not sure if that makes sense, but it is both an active and passive activity at the same time. It's the equivalent of Schroedingers cat. The cat is both dead and alive at the same time. You're doing something, yet doing nothing at the same time.

How's this?

Well it's simple actually. Meditation is a process of letting the mind settle. Allowing it to stop and rest, but in a wakeful and mindful state. Not thinking, but just being and being mindful of the fact that you are allowing your mind to settle.

Let's look at it like this: All day and night while you're awake and or sleeping, your mind is working. It's thinking, processing sounds and visual input, interpreting that information and you're forming opinions or having feelings about that information that your mind is processing. As you form opinions about this information, you have feelings about those opinions. Meditation allows your mind to relax and stop, in some ways processing that information. It allows you to let your mind relax and rest for a brief time.

Most of the time, we are worried or concerned. Our feelings are what causes us many of our day to day problems. The fight between what we know in our heads and feel in our hearts contributes to our daily frustrations. Meditation allows you a window to stop that inner conflict, to give yourself peace.

So how do I meditate?

I'm glad you asked.

First find a place you can sit alone and quietly for fifteen minutes. It doesn't have to be any place special, but it does help if it is special to you. Your living room, garden (in warm climes), bedroom, basement, where ever you are comfortable. Take your watch, or phone and set a timer, fifteen minutes is plenty to begin with. Sit yourself down comfortably, you don't have to sit cross-legged (Indian Style, not to sound racist) or in some position commonly associated with meditation. Just sit down comfortably. Close your eyes and relax.

Great! Now you're sitting down meditating and your mind is racing, jumping around like a toddler in a playpen when that toddler doesn't want to be there. That is normal. It happens to me every time I sit to meditate. Like that toddler who wants out of that play pen, this is the mind, in some way rebelling. Additionally, like that toddler, you cannot let it have its way. So sit there, quietly. Have patience, your mind will settle. Just a little bit, and you'll feel it and you'll tell yourself:

"Holy shit! I'm meditating!"

Remember that toddler?

Well thinking that you're meditating is the equivalent of talking to the toddler after it quieted down. The child just begins to act up again.

Your mind will too!

This is also normal. This is also where patience comes into play. Let the toddler/your mind act up, let it race and let it settle. It will feel like you're getting nowhere. It'll feel like your mind will not settle, but it will. This will feel like it's taking forever and you might even tell yourself that you're going to run out of time before your mind quiets down.

The truth is all of that will take about two minutes. Two very long minutes, but in reality it'll only be about two minutes.

Then your mind will begin to settle again.

Here is where you begin to become mindful of your meditation. You'll need a mantra, I use "Om" (oh-mmm). You don't have to. Use something that fits you. I recommend something simple and short, keep it to one syllable, do not attach a meaning to it, two syllables is fine, but again simple is better here.

I warn against attaching meaning to your mantra, only because I find it can be distracting in the sense that you may begin to focus on the meaning you attach to it. Instead you should be focusing on letting your mind settle. Which means not focusing at all.

You will have thoughts, they'll come, it happens. Think the thought but let it go. You might think "I have to pay the water bill." okay, once that though is complete, don't hang onto it. Don't remind yourself that you also have to pay the gas. Don't hold onto it. If you feel like you're focusing on it, return to your mantra.

Example: "I need to feed the dog, I need to get him some water too and then around eight (here is where you return to your mantra)Om, Om, Om, Om

Use your mantra to break up the thoughts which can and will break your "Sit" as I like to call it. If you continue to allow thoughts to enter your meditations, you will fail at meditating. So use your mantra.

Your mind will settle more and more with each successive sit that you have. Your mind will behave less and less like a toddler in a play pen that it doesn't want to be in each time you sit.

There are some things to be aware of however, during a sit, especially during the early ones, You might find that while you meditate you'll start to laugh or cray. You might itch, twitch or sway. You'll feel things, joy, fear, anger.

All of this is normal. It is your body and mind adjusting to the calmness that you're giving it. It's your body and minds way of working out the stress and frustration it feels. If you laugh, then laugh, let it flow through you, then return to your mantra. The same with any feeling that you may experience, let it run its cycle and pass. Don't hold on to any of it, do not try to understand why suddenly you are very angry, it's your mind processing and releasing that feeling. There is no need to examine it, if you absolutely must, then do so when your sit is over. Do not dwell on your feelings or thoughts and should you find that is what you are doing, return to your mantra.

Before you begin your sit, commit to yourself that no matter what, you are going t sit tere until the time runs out. You mayhave an itch, so scratch it, but don't wonder why your hand itches. Scratch the itch, then return to your mantra. You might suddenly be hungry, tell yourself "I'll eat after I finish meditating"

Now you have the basics of meditation. Go and apply them in your life, or don't. That is up to you.

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Do not expect anything to happen!
  • You're doing this FOR yourself.
  • Meditation cannot hurt you.
  • Your mantra should be for you and simple

Now go find a comfortable place, have a sit and enjoy it. Nothing will happen for the first few times, you won't notice changes in your thoughts, feelings or behaviors. After a couple of weeks, you will begin to notice changes, because others will begin to notice. This is when you know that the meditation is working.

Next time I will talk more about mantras and chakras.

Monday, December 11, 2017

I guess sometimes it doesn't matter.....

SO sitting here, alone as usual, I began thinking.....

You can fall in love, give up everything you have and know. Leave your fur babies behind, people you love like your family. Not the family you were born into, but the family you've made over time by building a relationship with them, by spending good times and bad with them. To seek out a life that you really believed would be the life that you want. You could even spend moments that you'll never forget, like October 30th, 2017, at 2:15pm, when my Oncologist told me that I was in remission with people that you love. In the long run it won't change anything.

Maybe it's just me? Maybe I'm too fucked up to love? Maybe nothing really matters other than the moment that you're in? Somehow, I wonder if maybe I'm just to blame for others ills? Did I make things go the way they go? Is there a moment I could point to, where I can say "That's where I turned, and ended up here"?

I think about how I feel and want to just be honest. I'm not the guy that everyone thinks I am. I'm far more insecure than I ever let on. Often I feel like this person is better than me, better looking than me, more attractive than me. Can do better than I can, is more efficient than I am, is a better manager than I am, a better worker. Maybe that person there is a better lover than I am? Maybe that person is emotionally stronger than I am, maybe he was a better soldier? Perhaps he would be a better friend than I am? That person makes more money than I do, has a nicer car, dresses better, cooks better, takes better photographs. I think that if you've read this far, then you get the idea.

I sat on a bed during chemo and felt alone and unnecessary and a burden to everyone around me, at home, at work, at the hospital. My not too good feelings about myself, grew and I grew unhappier than I had ever been. I made a decision to leave, and to go find my truth and my happiness. Happiness, true happiness comes from within. I thought I found my happiness and then, as usually happens, my world flipped. Upside down, inside out and all around. I made many hard decisions about my life and my relationships, then left. I left so much behind and told myself that it was just stuff and I could, in time reacquire it. In the end it's just stuff.

Perhaps happimess only happens in moments? Maybe a moment of happiness, is all you can expect from life. Maybe you have to just savor those moments? Those happy moments, which seem so wonderous at the time, the ones that make you smile in retrospect? Maybe there is no happiness and it's just some lie made up to sell greeting cards? I'm not sure. I would like to believe that happiness is sustainable. That you can find ways to extend those moments and make them last. I want to believe that somehow, in some shape form or fashion, you can take a moment, love it enough, feel it strongly enough that it doesn't end until you allow it to. That somehow maybe, despite my insecurities, I can be a happy person who stops comparing myself to others. That I can be happy enough to make today, tomorrow and many days to come happy ones. I have to believe that that is true. I have to look forward and not back and not allow my past, which thankfully, has made me who I am today, prevent me from truly enjoying my tomorrows. My mother likes to say, "Once you put that box down, don't pick it back up, leave it where you sat it and don't even look back at it." I'm truly beginning to understand that philosophy. I've been carrying a lot of boxes, my shoulders are strong enough to carry many more. It is up to me to decide which boxes to pick up, and which ones not to. I can say that today I am deciding to not pick up boxes I've already sat down, and to put down the ones that I no longer need to carry. I can help people carry their boxes, but I have to keep in mind that it may not be my box to carry, and sometimes people don't want you to help them. I also have to remember that sometimes, people carry boxes and they don't even know why or what's in the box.