Sunday, February 18, 2018


Often I hear the statement "Instant Karma" I would like to illuminate to you why that statement is so absurd.

Karma does not happen instantly. good or bad it works the same in both directions. When good Karma comes and has it affects of your like it does not drop in like a nuclear weapon, one big loud crash and it's over, no. When negative Karma comes to collect the till it also is not the equivalent of a nuke, all the bad things do not happen all at once.

It's more like a carpet bomb effect when karma pays what you are owed. Numerous successive blasts hitting one right after another, after another.It doesn't do as much damage, this way. If karma comes as a carpet bomb does, there are things that are spared, If it comes down on you like an ICBM, then everything is destroyed and if everything has been destroyed, then there is no room to reflect, relearn and understand the causality of the karmic event. No lesson to be learned. Good or bad.

When someone thinks that it is karma which has come upon them, usually it's not. Karma is not just some random event making your life difficult. Karma gives the person exactly what they deserve, based on what they've done. With Karma, the punishment always, without exception fits the crime.The rewards are equal to the goodness you place into the world.

If you put good and wonderful things out into the world, you spread joy and love, hope and happiness, then that will be your karma and it will come back to you in time! The Same holds true for negative karma, if you spread hate, are injurious to the emotions of others, or are just mean, rude, offensive or are hurtful to others. Your Karma will based on those things. Many people cannot see the threads of what they've done and how they relate to the greater energies around them.

Karma begins within. We think our karma into existence. If you think good thoughts, those will translate into good actions and the karmic shift will be good towards you. Conversely, if you think negative, you will begin negative behavior and that will return to you.

Often our karma is returned to us by those we harm. It is not uncommon for those we wrong to wrong us in return. For those we hurt to hurt us in return. This is a form of karma too! To think that we can hurt people and that only some cosmic force will punish us for doing so is naive. Sometimes one has to be recompensed for our transgressions. Sometimes karma gives those we wrong the ability to show us what we've done, the harm and the hurt are repaid in kind. Often, I believe that this type of karma is far more harsh that the bad karma we have sent out. I also feel that this type of karmic shift comes with the greatest of lessons. We must learn that what we do has much larger impact than simply directly impacting our lives. Sometimes our behavior, our decisions which shift our karma in one direction or the other impact the greater world around us. Many times, a seemingly small decision will impact our familial relationships, our friendships and even the lives of people we don't even know. These are the major karmic shifts. These decisions, whether good or bad have far reaching consequences for good or bad.

Choose your thoughts and actions carefully, you never know what may come of them.

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